kull / litters













A-litter,  12.juni.2004  SACRED BIRMAN #1
 Stamtavle/Pedigree  Inbreeding=4.12% at 9 generation
(N) RGJ Cat`s Aragorn, SBI n     
owner: cattery La Griffe Aigue*RU,  RUSSIA
(N) RGJ Cat`s Amalea,SBIn           
owner: cattery (N)Maleriet`s, Kvinnesdal
 B-litter,  17.april 2005 SACRED BIRMAN #2
Stamtavle/Pedigree  Inbreeding=4.12% at 9 generation

(N)RGJ Cat`s Balian, SBI n

owner: cattery (N)Sørlands Perla

(N)RGJ Cat`s Bugatti Veyron, SBI n


(N)RGJ Cat`s Bombino, SBI n


(N)RGJ Cat`s Buffy, SBI n

C-litter, 20.mars 2006  SACRED BIRMA #3
Stamtavle/Pedigree   Inbreeding=2,59% at 9 generation
D-litter, 23.september 2006  SACRED BIRMAN #4
  Far/Sire: GIC S*Trinity`s Pale Moon Rising, SBIa21  &  Mor/Dam : CH(N)Tonefjellet`s Oh-la-la,SBIb
Stamtavle/Pedigree    Inbreeding= 10% at 9 generasjon
E-litter, 22.april 2007  SACRED BIRMAN #5
Stamtavle/Pedigree   Inbreeding=2,59% at 9 generation
(N)RGJ Cat`s  Even better than the Real, SBIa  
F-litter, 10.mai 2007 SACRED BIRMAN #6
  Far/Sire: GIC S*Trinity`s Pale Moon Rising, SBIa21  &  Mor/Dam : CH(N)Tonefjellet`s Oh-la-la,SBIb
Stamtavle/Pedigree    Inbreeding= 10% at 9 generasjon
G-litter, 21.mars 2008  kurilEAN bobtail  #1
Far/Sire: GIC EST*Tamerlan Karmino Cat, KBL n03  &  Mor/Dam : GIC Babochka Kurilkot,KBL f24
Stamtavle /Pedigree
H-litter, 29.august 2008 SACRED BIRMAN #7
Stamtavle/Pedigree   Inbreeding=1,65% at 9 generation
(N)RGJ Cat`s Hysj Hysj, SBIb  
I-litter, 22.october 2008 SACRED BIRMAN #8
Stamtavle/Pedigree     Inbreeding=1,65% at 9 generation

(N)RGJ Cat`s Ichi  Ban , SBIn


(N)RGJ Cat`s Infernal Beauty, SBIn


(N)RGJ Cat`s Incredible Me, SBI n21


(N)RGJ Cat`s Intoxicated , SBI n21

owner: Gian Giacomo Serra Cervetti , ITALIA
J-litter, 05.desember 2008 kurilEAN bobtail #2
Far/Sire: GIC EST*Tamerlan Karmino Cat, KBL n03  &  Mor/Dam : GIC Fiona von Matrosoff, KBL f22
Stamtavle /Pedigree
K-litter, 14.desember 2008 kurilEAN bobtail #3
Far/Sire: GIC EST*Tamerlan Karmino Cat, KBL n03  &  Mor/Dam : SC Babochka Kurilkot,KBL f24
Stamtavle /Pedigree
L-litter, 20.march 2009 SACRED BIRMAN #9
Stamtavle/Pedigree     Inbreeding=1,65% at 9 generation

(N)RGJ Cat`s Little to Perfect, SBIn21


(N)RGJ Cat`s Lady Luck, SBI n21

M-litter, 22.juni 2009 kurilEAN bobtail #4
Far/Sire: SC EST*Tamerlan Karmino Cat, KBL n03  &  Mor/Dam : GIC Fiona von Matrosoff, KBL f22
Stamtavle /Pedigree
N-litter, 14.july 2009 SACRED BIRMAN #10
Stamtavle/Pedigree   Inbreeding=1,65% at 9 generation

(N)RGJ Cat`s No Doubt, SBI n21


(N)RGJ Cat`s Naughty Boy, SBI n21

owner: cattery NO*HOTPOINT`S
O-litter, 20.januar 2010  kurilEAN bobtail #5
P-litter, 03.february 2010 SACRED BIRMAN #11
Stamtavle/Pedigree   Inbreeding=4,81% at 9 generation
(N)RGJ Cat`s Poisons Beauty, SBI n  
(N)RGJ Cat`s Punky, SBI n21  
(N)RGJ Cat`s Provocation, SBI n21 owner: cattery I*SACRO E PROFANO. ITALY
R-litter, 19.Oktober 2010  kurilEAN bobtail #6
Far/Sire: CH (N)Casa Rolla Hippie, KBL ns24  &  Mor/Dam : CH Elektra Bobcat, KBL a23
Stamtavle /Pedigree
(N)RGJ Cat`s Rosinka, KBL n22  
(N)RGJ Cat`s Rasputnik, KBL ns23 owner: us (N)RGJ CAT`S
S-litter, 16.Desember 2010  kurilEAN bobtail #7
Far/Sire: (N)RGJ Cat`s Ozornik, KBL n24  &  Mor/Dam : GIC Darionka Kurilkot, KBL fs22
Stamtavle /Pedigree
(N)RGJ Cat`s Smeshinka, KBL n 24 owner: cattery Du Val Des Couleurs . Francè
(N)RGJ Cat`s Soblazn, KBL ns22 owner: cattery I*SACRO E PROFANO. ITALY
T-litter, 20.February 2011  kurilEAN bobtail #8
Far/Sire: IC (N)Casa Rolla Hippie, KBL ns24    &  Mor/Dam : IC (N)RGJ Cat`s Mulatka, KBL n09
Stamtavle /Pedigree
(N)RGJ Cat`s Tryn-Trava, KBL ns 09 owner: cattery DK*Silky Catz , Danmark
(N)RGJ Cat`s Tarahtelka, KBL ns24  
(N)RGJ Cat`s Tarhunchik, KBL n09  
N)RGJ Cat`s Tarakan-Tarakanovich, KBL n09  
U-litter, 01.april 2011 SACRED BIRMAN #12
Far/Sire: (N)RGJ Cat`s Provocation, SBI n21 &  Mor/Dam : CH (N)RGJ Cat`s Flight of Fantasy, SBIb21
V-litter, 17.July 2011 SACRED BIRMAN #13
Far/Sire: CH S*Star on catwalk Putte,SBI n21  &  Mor/Dam : (N)RGJ Cat`s Poisons Beauty, SBIn21
W-litter, 04.November 2011  kurilEAN bobtail #9
Far/Sire: IC (N)RGJ Cat`s Rasputnik, KBL ns24  &  Mor/Dam : SC Babochka Kurilkot,KBL f24
Stamtavle /Pedigree
X-litter, 15.Juny 2012  kurilEAN bobtail #10
Far/Sire: IC Dandy Free Hunter, KBL a 03 from NO*Tzar Lynx  &  Mor/Dam : GIC Darionka Kurilkot, KBL fs22
  • Stamtavle/Pedigree 

    Y-litter, 05.November2012 SACRED BIRMAN #14
    Z-litter, 11.July 2013 SACRED BIRMAN #15
    Aa-litter, 31.10. 2013 kurilean bobtail  #11
    Far/Sire: SC (N)RGJ Cat`s Rasputnik, KBL ns24  &  Mor/Dam : CH (N) RGJ Cat`s XL-girl, KBL n 03 24
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Alenushka, KBL n 24 owner : US
    Bb-litter, 29.09.2014 KURILEAN BOBTAIL  #12 / Pictures on FB
    Far/Sire: SC (N)RGJ Cat`s Rasputnik, KBL ns24  &  Mor/Dam : CH (N) RGJ Cat`s XL-girl, KBL n 03 24
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Burzhuj, KBL n 24 show : Junior Winner
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Banduga, KBL n 24 sold as pet
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Bogatyr, KBL n 24 sold as pet
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Blestochka, KBL ns 24 sold as pet
    (N) RGJ Cat`s Barmalejka, KBL ns 09 24 sold as pet
    Cc-litter, 12.11.2014 KURILEAN BOBTAIL  #13 / Pictures on FB
    Far/Sire: SC (N)RGJ Cat`s Rasputnik, KBL ns24  &  Mor/Dam : IC Akvarel Island Julapp, KBL as
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Charodej, KBL ns sold to Norway * show : Premior / 4 BIS
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Charodejka, KBL ns sold to Norway * show : Int.Champion
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Chudesniza, KBL as sold as pet
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Chudodejka, KBL as sold to Francè
    (N) RGJ Cat`s Charovnik, KBL as 24 sold to DK * Show: 1 BIV - 6 NOM - 1 BIS
    (N) RGJ Cat`s Chudo, ns 24 sold as pet
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Cheburashka, KBl ns 24 sold as pet
    (N) RGJ Cat`s Charovniza, KBL ns 24 sold as pet
    Dd-litter, 13.08.2015 KURILEAN BOBTAIL  #14 / Pictures on FB
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Darmojed, KBS ns 24 sold to DK  * Show:  Champion / 4 NOM
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Duremarchik, KBS ns 24 sold as pet
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Domovenok, KBS ns 24 sold to Norway * Show: Premier / 2 NOM
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Dobrynja, KBL n 24  
    Ee/ Viking-litter, 08.11.2015 KURILEAN BOBTAIL  #15 / Pictures on FB
    Far/Sire:(N) RGJ Cat`s Charovnik, KBL as 24  &  Mor/Dam : SC (N) RGJ Cat`s Alenushka JW, KBL n 24
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Ragnar Lothbrok, KBL n 24 sold to Norway  * Show: 2 BIV - 6 NOM - 1 BIS
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Rollo, KBL a 24 owner : CZ*Misty Islands  *  Show : Grand Int Champion / 4 NOM - 1 BIV
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Bjorn Lothbrok, KBL ns 24 sold to Belgium * Show : Grand Int  Champion / 1 BIV - 4 NOM
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Princess Aslaug, KBL ns 24 sold as pet
    Ff-litter, 13.07.2016  KURILEAN BOBTAIL  #16 / Pictures on FB
    Far/Sire: SC (N)RGJ Cat`s Rasputnik, KBL ns24  &  Mor/Dam : IC (N) RGJ Cat`s Charovniza, KBL ns 24
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Fintiflushka, KBL ns 24  sold to Norway  * Show: Champion / 3 NOM
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Fildipersovyj Korol`, KBL a 24  sold as pet
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Fianit, KBL a 24  sold as pet
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Fifli-Migli, KBL as 24  sold as pet
    Gg-litter, 18.11.2016  KURILEAN BOBTAIL  #17 / Pictures on FB
    Hh-litter, 07.04.2017  KURILEAN BOBTAIL  #18 / Pictures on FB
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Holennyj Pizon, KBS n 09 23  sold to Norway  * Show : 1 BIV TOT  - 1 NOM
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Hozajin Barin, KBS n 24  sold as pet
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Hitrjugam KBS n 24  sold as pet
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Hrabrez Udalez, KBS n 09  sold as pet
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Hozajka Mednoj Gory KBS ns 09 24  sold to Norway * Show : 1 BIV TOT  - 3 NOM
    Ii-litter, 21.07.2017  KURILEAN BOBTAIL  #19 / Pictures on FB
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Izumitelnyj Krasavez, KBL ns 09  sold to Norway  * Show : Grand. SupremeChampion / 1 BOB -3 BIS - 10 NOM
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Izumrud, KBL ns 24  sold as pet
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Ilja Muromez, KBL n 09  sold as pet
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Iriska KisKiska, KBL ns 24  sold  *Show :  1 BIV TOT  -  1 NOM
    Jj-litter, 24.11.2017  KURILEAN BOBTAIL  #20 / Pictures on FB
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Jegoza, KBS n 24  stay  * Show :  3 BIS  - 15 NOM
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Jagoda Malina, KBL n 09 24  sold to Italy
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Jezhevika, KBL n 09 24  sold to Norway * Show :  1 BIV  - 2 NOM
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Jastreb, KBS n 23  sold to Denmark * Show :  INT.PREMIOR :: 1 BIS - 8 NOM
    (N)RGJ Cat`s  Jasnyj Sokol, KBL n 09 24  sold to Norway
    (N) RGJ Cat`s Jahonit, KBS n 09 24  sold to Norway  * Show :  1x NOM :: Best Pattern on show from 300 cats
    Kk-litter, 05.11.2018  KURILEAN BOBTAIL  #21 / Pictures on FB
    Far/Sire: NO*Micro Smith's Sons of Anarchy Opie &  Mor/Dam : (N)RGJ Cat`s Iriska Kiskiska , KBL ns 09 24
    Ll-litter, 23.11.2018  KURILEAN BOBTAIL  #22 / Pictures on FB
    Far/Sire: NO*Micro Smith's Sons of Anarchy Opie &  Mor/Dam : (N)RGJ Cat`s Gazirovka, KBS ns 09 24
    (N) RGJ Cat`s Laskovyj Zver, KBS n 09 23  sold to Norway
    (N)RGJ Cat`s Lazurnaja, KBS a 09  sold to Norway